Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Making Bias Tape

I mentioned in an earlier post that I was making miles and miles of bias tape, and that my bias tape maker wasn't working out as well as I would have liked.

I didn't get through my jacket project, but I did get through the bias tape making part of it.

I did try out the tip on PatternReview and had better luck with it, but still couldn't get it quite right. The fabric still wanted to twist around occasionally.

I solved the problem by using both. I ran the fabric through the bias tape maker, then held it up close to the pin. Here - a picture or three will help I think.

Using both the pin and the bias tape maker worked pretty well for the fabric I was using. At least, I'm assuming I had trouble because of the fabric and not because of me. It seems like I would not have had as hard a time with a thicker, more firm fabric.

We'll see. I've definitely put the making and applying of bias tape on my list of things to accomplish well.


debbie said...

One thing that really helps it to use spray starch. Spray pretty heavy and then iron it dry, then make your bias.

Janimé said...

I should have thought of that. I've starched slippery fabrics before to make them easier to work with for cutting, but I didn't think to use that technique here.

Good one. Thanks :)