Monday, April 06, 2009

Sewcation - Day 2

I'm about as slow blogging about my sewcation as I am at actually sewing. It doesn't help that in order to use the computer, I have to kick someone off of it!

Did I mention I was slow? I spent most of day 2 on this page.
From Sewcation - March 2009

This is why I've been working on knits for soooo long. The knit shirts I've been working on have 3, maybe 4 pieces. This thing had 7 pieces - some of them twice (i.e. two fronts, two front facings, etc), plus 3 had to have interfacing as well. I'm also still getting the hang of collars since I've only done a few.

By the end of the day, I had gotten all the major pieces together and lacked the armhole facings, the hem, the button holes and the buttons.

If the garment looks unpressed it's because I was having brain farts with my iron. I can't remember why now, but I got it straightened out the next morning and re-pressed everything. After that, it didn't look quite so sloppy.

By the way, the camera doesn't do the fabric justice - which is common enough I guess. It's not nearly as PINK as all that. The little flowers are pink, but the background is almost a very pale lavender color.

Here's where the day ended...
From Sewcation - March 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sewcation - Day 1

The first day of my Sewcation was on 3/16. I started pretty early - around 6:30 am, and finished the day around 8:45 pm. With a break for lunch, a break helping clean out the back fridge, a break to go grocery shopping, a break to cook dinner, and finally a break to eat dinner. Heh heh - it might seem like I didn't have time for sewing at all!

But I did.

This first day, I started on Simplicity 7086 - View C. I made View B a couple of years ago. It was a project I meant to blog about after I stared blogging, but never got around to it. Here's the original review on though: Simplicity 7086 - View B. I meant to work View B up again with this really pretty pinkish with little spring flowers on it fabric I found at a local quilting store. But I did not get enough fabric to make the sleeves. So I worked up View C instead.
From Sewcation - March 2009

If you look behind the pattern, you can see my window - it's still dark outside.

When I first used this pattern, I was tracing my patterns onto visqueen. I didn't really like the visqueen very much, so I stopped using it sometime back, and now I use "sewing" fabric (it's actually soil separating fabric) from Carriff to trace my patterns. It took a few hours to get the pieces retraced. Luckily, I had not altered the original pattern any, except to lengthen it by .5". I added the two new pieces needed for the armhole facing.
From Sewcation - March 2009

It took me the rest of the day to cut out the fabric (I trace around the pattern, then cut to minimize damage to my pattern), cut out the interfacing, and to get the first dart made.

Here I am tracing around the pattern pieces...
From Sewcation - March 2009

Did I mention I'm slow? I really am.

Here's what it looked like outside my window once the sun came up. Spring has sprung in our neck of the woods, and we have a really nice crabapple tree in bloom.
From Sewcation - March 2009

Here we are with all of the pieces cutout. There's still the interfacing to do.
From Sewcation - March 2009

One final pic. My DH homeschools our two children. Afterschool, the younger one, my DS, decided he needed to share my workspace to play with his SnapCircuits.
From Sewcation - March 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

March Madness - My Sewcation

Take a look at the "2009 Projects" list to the right. That's the list I started out with for my very first "Sewcation".

I took a week off from work to sew, sew, sew. And it was FUN!!!!

I lost two days going camping with the family, but that was fun too. Otherwise, I spent most all of this past week, and this weekend getting in some much needed sewing time.

I started with 10 things on my list and finished 3. HA! Definitely a case of my eyes being bigger than my stomach. It wasn't for lack of trying though. During the week, I woke up at my normal time, and most days was at it by 6:30 am. I usually didn't call it quits until about 8:30 pm. Seems like a lot I suppose, but there were a number of interuptions. Still, I was able to stay pretty focused the entire time. But I'm also a slow sewist, so there ya go.

Pictures and stories will be forthcoming I hope. I meant to do a blog entry each day as I went along, but I always seemed to run out of time for that. And frankly, I wanted to sew, not blog :-)